Kamis, 10 September 2009
You may find yourself overwhelmed looking for keywords that fit your website description and that will be profitable to you in search rankings. The internet has a variety of keyword tools that one can utilize. Why not start with the most popular search engine Google. Google Adwords has a keyword tool you can use. When using the Google Adwords Keyword Search Tool you can enter a keyword, a phrase, or you can even enter your website URL.
Being able to enter your website URL is an amazing tool if you are stuck and can't think of any keywords. Google will go to your website and read it and then return results for what they think are good keywords for you. Google will show return results with suggested keywords, as well as your advertiser competition, the local search volume of the keyword for the previous month and the global search volume.
After looking at keywords on Google you may want to head over to Keyword Discovery. Keyword Discovery has an amazing keyword tool. When searching for keywords it will return the top one hundred keyword searches. Not only will Keyword Discovery return the top one hundred searches and tell you how many people searched for that term in a month, but they also tell you what percentage of those searches were on what search engines.
Keyword Discovery collects data from all the major search engines, which could help you determine where to advertise or what search engines to get your site most listed with. Remember, study all the keywords and data given and choose your keywords very carefully. The keywords you do choose to use for your website and the most important way for people to find your website. Some keywords may be so saturated with advertiser competition (people who pay to have their website listed first) that you may want to go with a different keyword. After choosing your keywords and your website is ready you can go to the different search engine and register your site. The different search engines will go to your site and collect information and then list your website in the search engine. This may take a few weeks but you can be listed with search engines for free.